Everybody wants to look their stylish best but not everyone can handle cutting edge styles that make you stand apart. If you feel you have that power of handling unbridled style then OZ Factor beachwear is the one for you! Their unique and edgy styles are a reflection of the beach with wind, sand and surf as inspiration. Their designs are innovative, bold and colourful. The brainchild of Nadiah Kanawaty, the Australian designer, OZ Factor beachwear clearly has the essence of the lifestyle and beach culture of Australia.

OZ Factor supplies beachwear for both men and women, but it is the swimwear for men that holds the most interest. The main styles of swimwear that the brand manufactures are square cut trunk swimwear and bikini swimwear. The main thing that can be noticed about their swimwear is the use of colour-all natural and earthy colours which remind you of pools, oceans, sand and surf.

The bikini brief swimwear made by OZ Factor is low cut and sexy, highlighting all the great physical attributes of the wearer. The sides measure 2 inches and the front has been lined so that there are no chances of things becoming transparent enough for everybody to see when it is wet. The lining material used is 100% nylon, which is extremely lightweight and easy to dry.

The shorts square cut trunk swimwear produced by OZ Factor is a slightly covered version of bikini swimwear. One of its notable features is the internal drawstring which not only gives extra support but also helps in adjusting the waist and fit. The material used is a mix of lycra and sensitive, and helps in perfect air flow. It is quick drying so after you come out from the water after a swim you will not be dripping for a long time.

Their designs are innovative and facilitate a wonderful use and mix of colours that appeal to the eye. The fabrics used to craft each item of men’s clothing are high quality fabrics imported from Italy. The unique characteristic of these fabrics is the fact that they are chlorine resistant and protect themselves from the sun as well. So, even after long use they will remain as good as new for quite a long time.

To take a close look at OZ Factor beachwear collection visit us at Deal by Ethan where we offer you amazing deals and discounts!

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