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How Household Utensils Can Help Find Love in the Future

Do home appliances know all the details about you? Perhaps it is so if we are talking about smart devices. Kettles connected with refrigerators and wrist watches are already transforming our homes and will soon be able to transform our personal lives. But how?

According to the new report of the famous business school, the way we get involved in international dating and meet potential soulmates will change over the next twenty years. All this is thanks to smart home appliances. Referring to this report, information obtained from devices, such as smart wardrobes, showers, refrigerators, and watches, can be used to match us with our potential soulmates. The data from these devices will tell us a lot more about ourselves than we ever knew before. Instead of relying on self-esteem, smart devices will be able to objectively record data about our personality, preferences, and behavior. For example, a smart shower can say a lot about our hygiene, which strongly corresponds to the level of our consciousness and organization. The understanding of “acceptable” and “good” hygiene is different for each person, which can lead to romantic inconsistencies. By the way, a smart wardrobe can reveal a lot about our style. According to experts, the style of clothing is a very accurate and detailed reflection of a person’s personality.

At the same time, smart utensils such as refrigerators, microwaves, electric kettles, and other kitchen devices will be able to provide information about our diet, nutrition, and even spontaneity when choosing or cooking food. All these factors can be compared with information about other people in order to find the most appropriate person. Smart showers can become the norm by 2022, smart wardrobes – by 2023, and by 2028, our whole house will be “smart”, including toasters. Similarly, in the near future, smart clothes and smart lenses will help control our most complex behaviors and habits. Other home appliances, such as smart TVs, can use data from TV and film preferences, which will then be a key indicator in relationship compatibility.

One of the most popular dating sites has invested more than 18 years in determining what factors can help build healthy and successful relationships. Very soon, any additional opportunities provided by smart technologies can help bridge the gap in understanding between people. According to its experts, almost 7 billion devices are now connected worldwide.

Moreover, in the future, two smartphones, matching the social parameters of people, will send each other photographs of the owners, smart glasses will find suitable people by DNA, a special program will show future parents what appearance their children may have, and many more things will be available. In addition, there will be no dating as such because smartphones will give out all the information about a person.

By 2029, ladies will be able to determine the probability of a breakup with a very high percentage of accuracy from the very first meeting. It means that men who are not going to have serious relationships and create a family must be ready for this and invent tricks in advance. Also, scientific computer compatibility programs will be invented. Programmers will provide the classification of factors that can ruin our future marriage. It will include income, interests, religion, worldview, physical attractiveness, and so on. Analyzing these factors, people in love will be able to minimize the risks of a breakup. So, as you can see, smart devices and gadgets can help us make a relationship better.

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